Monday, November 9, 2009

Everyone wants to know...

When Liberty will be open for the 2009-2010 winter season! It's the hot question right now - "When is opening day?" Our most recent sampling of cold temperatures and early winter-like weather conditions combined with Joe Bastardi's prediction of an early, cold, snowy winter, caused quite a stir amongst the snow sport enthusiasts. It was only natural for people to begin asking the ever-popular opening day question. So when will opening day be for Liberty Mountain?

Our goal is to be open by the first weekend in December. If cold temperatures return and we're able to make snow sooner than later, the season could begin in late November. However, it's not just cold temperatures that allow snowmaking to occur. With the right combination of certain weather elements (low humidity, compressed air and others), including cold temperatures, our snow guns can get to work and start covering the mountain for the season.

Our snowmaking system can actually make 1,175 tons of snow per hour! Pretty cool, huh? There's lots of cool stuff involved in snowmaking and you can learn more about it by reading our "Snowmaking 101" page on the website. Or you can read the Baltimore Sun's most recent article about skiing and the upcoming winter season. In the article, our mountain manager Ron Crozier discusses the different elements of snowmaking and how it all works. If you need your winter/snow sport excitement fix for the day, you should definitely check it out!

Don't forget to check out our website often for more updates on the start of snowmaking and opening day for the new season. Before you know it, we'll be seeing you on the slopes!

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